About Me

I am a wife and mother — my proudest accomplishments.  I have a business degree but so far have only used it on children, and yes, they understand how to use high pressure negotiation tactics to their advantage.  I am also an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran who explored the Middle East as a land surveyor for the Army in 2003 and 2004.  Now I am an Army Wife and displaced South Dakotan following my Soldier husband between duty stations.  Every move is an adventure!  I have lived in Colorado, Texas, Missouri, and Kansas, but no matter where I go, home is and always will be South Dakota.

My wandering nature has blessed me with so many incredible experiences and stories that I often feel I am bursting at the seams!  I believe everyone has unique stories that deserve to be told.  My goal is to share my stories and adventures as a homesick wanderer as I strive to someday make it home to the Black Hills, where my spirit can finally be at peace.  In the meantime, I am a wild and restless modern day pioneer, always trying new things and always on the move.

Photo courtesy of my daughters.

Driving Across the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Taking photos at Saddle Pass in the South Dakota Badlands.

Taking photos at Saddle Pass in the South Dakota Badlands.

Terms & Conditions

I will always attempt to provide the highest quality and most accurate information and content to the best of my knowledge at www.bloggingpioneer.com but I will not be held liable for anything that happens from the use of any information contained in this site.  The photographs used on this site are my personal property, or property used with permission of friends or family.

Copyright Notice

 (C) Georgeann Van Delist and http://www.bloggingpioneer.com, 2014.  Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner is completely prohibited.  Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to bloggingpioneer and Georgeann Van Delist, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Site Issues

If my site looks messed up (ie: photographs are not showing up or articles are all run together and wavy looking) it probably means that my husband borrowed my laptop and accidentally downloaded something unsavory while he was trying to look for the latest episodes of Psych (this has happened already).  After I get done giving him a guilt trip for messing up my computer and my WordPress site, I will try to restore everything to its original awesomeness.  Don’t give up on me if this happens, just come back again and see what new stories I’ve been writing.

Other Details

Names used in my stories have either been changed to protect the individuals involved, or are the original names of the individuals, used at their permission.  My site is intended for use by mature adults.   I do not expect everyone to agree with my opinion. I do not consider myself an expert but rather a survivor.  I request that all comments be made with the intent to foster healthy conversation.

Me Playing Mandolin

Want to contact me?  Please feel free!

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